Thursday 18 February 2016

For the Love of Torah

I got into this whole Rabbinic thing, principally, because of a love of learning Torah and a desire to be a teacher of Torah. And then the reality of a congregational existence hit. In truth I love pretty much every aspect of this work; the pastoral, the planning, even the slew of emails. But I have not been teaching enough.
Over the coming three weeks I am teaching and 'holding the court' as we have a conversation about Same Sex Love, Sex and Commitment. There first two of these sessions will be a traditional text-based classes (Wednesday 24th Feb, 2nd & 9th of Feb, click here for more).
In addition I am hugely looking forward to our Quest event on the Origins of Life where I will be engaging with two of this country's leading experts on embryology and the formation of life. This event, on Sunday 6th March, promises to be an absolute highlight of our year at New London. Click here for more.
I'm also delighted to announce a new ongoing learning opportunity for New London Synagogue members. I am going to be offering a lunchtime Midrash Shiur on Tuesdays; 12:30-13:30 at the Shul. We will be making our way through the great collection of Rabbinic commentary on the Boof of Genesis - Bereishit Rabba. I'm also hoping to livestream the class for anyone who would like to take part, but is unable to get to the Synagogue. If you are interested, please let me know by email. Our first meeting will be Tuesday 1st March.
Learning is at the heart of what it means to be a Jew. Teaching is - or at the very least should be - at the heart of the work of a Rabbi. I do hope you will take opportunities to join me on this journey,
Shabbat shalom,

Rabbi Jeremy

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