Tuesday 3 July 2012

On Cycling and the Book of Job

When God finally offers some sort of answer to Job, after his appalling suffering, God points out the power of nature. Just as we cannot manage the wind and rain, so too (and so much more so) we cannot fathom the will of the One who brings the rain.

And so I found myself stranded in Inverness at the end of a 100 mile sponsored bike ride north, as a result of floods which have closed the rail lines to London. Nothing like Job's suffering, of course, but a frustration. I hope to be back for Shabbat, weather allowing, but reflecting on man's ultimate inability to shape the world to our own needs is never a bad lesson.

Rabbis of all denominations from across the UK have been cycling from Land’s End to John O’Groats to highlight Anglo-Jewry’s year-long campaign to promote sustainable transport and environmental education. It is a fund-raising project organised by the new food and environmental charity Gefiltefest. www.gefiltefest.org. Each Rabbi is raising money for different charities, as well as for Gefiltefest’s food and environmental projects.

For more on the ride see Twitter #rabbirelayride. To sponsor my cycle ride please go to www.newlondon.org.UK/donate and put Rabbi's Sponsored Cycle Ride in the message box when it appears. Funds raised to be shared between gefiltefest and NLS

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