Wednesday 20 October 2010

This week in the Talmud Shiur - Honouring Your Parents - Kiddushin 30


Monday 25th October 8pm at New London Synagogue


Forget about being ranked in the ‘Ten Commandments’ – the Rabbis consider the honouring of parents the single ‘heaviest’ of all the Mitzvot. All the examples in the Talmudic passage we will consider on Monday evening concern aged parents, perhaps losing mental and or physical ability. It’s an incredible series of observations, clashing against aspirations and the realities of caring for those who once bore us, but who now need our care.


This is the Rabbis at their most honest and insightful and nothing has happened in the 1500 years since this passage was finally redacted to make any of their insights any less poignant and important. The class is suitable for anyone who is, has, or may one day become an ageing parent.


Texts will be available in original and translation, all welcome.

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